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Specialized Ingrown Toenail Treatment in Lahore, Pakistan | Cosmetique Clinic

If you are suffering from the discomfort and pain of an ingrown toenail, there's excellent news for you. Cosmetique Clinic, renowned for its specialized medical services, offers expert Ingrown Toenail Treatment in Lahore, Pakistan. You no longer need to endure the agony caused by this common foot condition. Let's delve deeper into what an ingrown toenail is, its symptoms, and the exceptional treatment options available to you at Cosmetique Clinic.

What is an Ingrown Toenail?

Before diving into the treatment options, it's essential to understand what an ingrown toenail is. An ingrown toenail, medically known as onychocryptosis, occurs when the toenail's edge penetrates the adjacent skin, most commonly affecting the big toe. The condition can be extremely uncomfortable, causing pain, redness, swelling, and in severe cases, infection.

Symptoms of Ingrown Toenail

Ingrown toenails can significantly disrupt your daily activities and quality of life. However, relief is just a step away with the specialized Ingrown Toenail Treatment in Lahore, Pakistan, at Cosmetique Clinic. Identifying the symptoms of an ingrown toenail is crucial in seeking timely treatment. The signs include:

  • Pain and Tenderness: The affected toe becomes tender to touch, causing pain with pressure or when wearing shoes.
  • Redness and Swelling: Inflammation around the ingrown toenail causes the area to become red, swollen, and sensitive.
  • Infection: If left untreated, an ingrown toenail can lead to infection. Signs of infection include the presence of pus, increased pain, and more severe swelling.

What Causes an Ingrown Toenail?

At Cosmetique Clinic, patient well-being is a top priority, and the team is dedicated to ensuring that the Ingrown Toenail Treatment is as comfortable and effective as possible. However, understanding the causes of ingrown toenails can help you prevent their occurrence or recurrence. The common factors contributing to this condition include:

  • Improper Nail Trimming: Cutting toenails too short or rounding the edges instead of cutting them straight across can cause the nail to grow into the skin.
  • Ill-Fitting Footwear: Wearing tight or narrow shoes puts excessive pressure on the toes, pushing the nail into the surrounding skin.
  • Foot Injuries: Trauma or injury to the toe, such as stubbing, can lead to the ingrowth of the nail edge.
  • Genetic Predisposition: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to develop ingrown toenails due to the shape or structure of their nails.
  • Poor Foot Hygiene: Inadequate foot care and cleanliness can increase the risk of infection and worsen ingrown toenail symptoms.

Surgical Ingrown Toenail Treatment in Lahore, Pakistan

Surgical intervention may be the most effective solution for severe or persistent cases of ingrown toenails. At Cosmetique Clinic , we offer advanced surgical Ingrown Toenail Treatment in Lahore, Pakistan, conducted by skilled dermatologic surgeons with expertise in podiatric procedures. If conservative measures have not provided relief, this specialized surgical approach could resolve your ingrown toenail problem.

What Happens During the Surgery?

Before the surgical procedure, your podiatrist at Cosmetique Clinic will comprehensively assess your ingrown toenail, taking into account the severity of the condition, the presence of infection, and your overall health. This evaluation ensures that the surgical plan is tailored to your specific needs. The surgical Ingrown Toenail Treatment in Lahore at Cosmetique Clinic typically involves the following steps:

  • Local Anesthesia: To ensure your comfort throughout the procedure, local anesthesia will be administered to numb the toe.
  • Nail Edge Removal: The surgeon will carefully remove the portion of the ingrown toenail that is causing the problem. This can be a partial nail avulsion or, in severe cases, a complete nail avulsion.
  • Nail Matrixectomy (if required): In some cases, a nail matrixectomy may be performed to prevent the regrowth of the ingrown toenail. This procedure involves the removal of a part or the entire nail matrix responsible for nail growth.
  • Wound Care and Dressing: The surgical site will be thoroughly cleaned, and appropriate dressings will be applied to facilitate healing and prevent infection.
  • Post-Surgical Instructions: After the procedure, your podiatrist will provide you with detailed post-surgical care instructions, including wound care and advice on pain management. Furthermore, they will advise you for follow-up appointments, often 2 to 3 days and then two weeks post-surgery.

Recovery And Regrowth Process After the Procedure

After the Ingrown Toenail Treatment in Lahore, Pakistan, the recovery and regrowth process is a vital phase in the healing journey. Here's what you can expect:

  • Immediate Recovery: Following the surgery, you may experience some mild discomfort and tenderness in the toe. Your surgeon may prescribe pain medications to manage any post-operative pain.
  • Rest and Elevation: To expedite healing, it is essential to rest and elevate your foot whenever possible during the initial recovery period.
  • Wound Care: Proper wound care prevents infection and ensures optimal healing. Follow your podiatrist's instructions regarding dressing changes and cleaning the surgical site.
  • Activity Restrictions: Your podiatrist will advise you on limiting certain activities, such as strenuous exercises, for a specific period to allow the toe to heal effectively. However, most patients get back to their regular physical activities 2 to 3 weeks post-nail surgery.
  • Regrowth Monitoring: If a nail matrixectomy is performed, your podiatrist will monitor the nail regrowth progress to ensure there are no complications.

Why Choose Cosmetique Clinic for Ingrown Toenail Treatment in Lahore, Pakistan?

Choosing Cosmetique Clinic for Ingrown Toenail Treatment in Lahore, Pakistan, is an excellent decision due to its outstanding reputation for specialized medical services and exceptional patient care. The clinic's team of experienced podiatrists includes renowned surgeons, Prof. Dr. Azim Jahangir Khan, Dr. Amnah Raj, and Dr. Saima Malik, who are experts in performing surgical procedures for ingrown toenails with precision and skill. With their extensive knowledge and expertise, patients can be assured of receiving personalized and effective treatment plans tailored to their specific needs. Additionally, the clinic's commitment to patient comfort, safety and the use of state-of-the-art technology ensures a seamless surgical experience and a successful resolution of ingrown toenail issues.


Q.1. What happens if I leave an ingrown toenail untreated?

Untreated ingrown toenails can cause increasing pain, infection, abscess formation, and restricted movement. It can also cause chronic conditions, and increased risk of complications like cellulitis and systemic infection. Delayed healing and a negative impact on overall health are also possible.

Q.2. Can ingrown toenails cause infection?

Yes, ingrown toenails can cause infection. When the edge of the toenail grows into the surrounding skin, it creates a pathway for bacteria to enter and cause an infection. The ingrown toenail can lead to redness, swelling, and tenderness in the affected area. If left untreated, the infection can worsen, resulting in the presence of pus and increased pain. In severe cases, the infection may spread and lead to more serious complications. Therefore, seeking prompt treatment for ingrown toenails is essential to prevent or address any potential infections.

Q.3. Can podiatrists treat more than one toenail during the surgery?

Yes, can treat more than one ingrown toenail during surgery. If a patient has multiple affected toenails requiring intervention, the expert podiatrists at COSMETIQUE can address all the ingrown toenails in a single surgical session. This approach to specialized Ingrown Toenail Treatment in Lahore, Pakistan, ensures efficient and comprehensive care, reducing the need for multiple surgeries and minimizing overall recovery time. However, the decision to treat multiple toenails during surgery is made based on the patient's specific condition and the podiatrists' assessment of their overall health and suitability for the procedure.

Q.4. When can I walk again after the procedure?

Recovery time after an ingrown toenail procedure varies depending on the extent of the treatment. Less invasive procedures may allow walking immediately with some discomfort. While more extensive surgeries may require a few days of limited weight-bearing activities. However, most patients can easily walk right after the surgery. Specific post-operative instructions from your podiatrist at Cosmetique Clinic will guide your recovery.

Q.5. How can I book my consultation at Cosmetique Clinic for ingrown toenail treatment in Lahore?

Easily book your appointments with one of the best skin specialists in Lahore for ingrown toenail treatment. Contact our customer services department at UAN: 03-111-077-111 Or Whatsapp: +923117770915.

There are very effective and world class treatments for Excessive sweating available at Cosmetique® to help you put a lid on this smelly problem - Hyperhidrosis. First of all Dr. Azim will determine the cause of your excessive sweating. After Dr. Khan determines and confirms that you do not have any significant medical problem causing excessive sweating he will offer you the best treatment options in your particular situation. It may be a medication in the form of a lotion or spray that you may have to apply a few times a week on the sweaty areas, or the latest treatment called as Iontophoresis or a tiny injection of Botox®.

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